We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people.
Nobody is seemingly going to be held responsible for the nation wrecking of the past decade and more. Why? Simple enough, those who carried out this irresponsible atrocity [I do not use this word lightly] are in the so called professional classes. These are the judges, politicians, ‘journalists’, ‘estate agents’, landowners, rental-property owners, surveyors, engineers, planners, army generalismos, Garda commissars, solicitors [in more ways than one] etc. Add to as you wish. Besides bankrupting the country they allowed and facilitated the new plantation of Ireland, i.e. mass immigration. Who, after all, is going to hold them accountable? They hold and wield the power. These are the same people who are only too glad to our give heritage and culture away. They are only too willing to bow the knee to the EU, US. Anybody. Less and less responsibility for more money and big fat pensions. If you or I were this incompetent or irresponsible in our workplace how long do you think we would last before getting the sack? So why do we allow this irresponsible group get away with not carrying out their duties to the Irish people properly? A: They are weak, unsubstantial minions B: They are not nationalists C: They obviously have no god. They fear one thing though. The Irish people copping on to them and demanding change. They fear, like the British establishment before them, loss of prestige, loss of deference, loss of power. It is way past time the Irish people took back their sovereignty over their lives, their country, their assets. It is time for the proclamation of 1916 to be fulfilled.