Criminality and its consequences
Someone would want to explain to me why I need an alarm on my house, car, bike etc. After all we pay taxes to ensure our safety and well being. That is why we have An Garda Síochána and a legal system. Or is it? Is it all just smoke and mirrors? After all there is no dire poverty now. The state, church, charities etc will intervene if one needs housing, medical care, education etc. The taxpayer pays good welfare rates to the unemployed.
In this day and age really there should be very little crime. There should be no excuses made for criminality. If you wish to indulge in drugs, excessive drinking, anti social behaviour, criminality etc then you should take responsibility for your behaviour, I do not see why I or the state should. If you want to be a drug pusher and get shot or beaten up then you should suffer the consequences of your illegal activities. Pay for your own medical care. If you are a hardened criminal and get caught then pay for your own solicitor.
Once convicted and jailed you should only be given the basic necessities of life in prison. No courses, no television, nothing. Prison should be prison. Also it should be same conditions for women as it is for men. No discrimination against men. Once convicted a prisoner must work for their keep. The hardest should break rocks, paint the coal bunker white. When it’s dry, paint it again! All convicts pay retribution to their victims, if need be for the rest of their lives. Those who can be trusted should be put to use digging ditches, cleaning railway lines, erasing graffiti etc. All of course in bright overalls. A criminal should be identifiable at all times.
My first port of call in this campaign for justice for victims of crime would of course be our corrupt politicians, businessmen and bankers. They would be done for treason. As such they would be tried under military law. These thugs would soon squeal on each other and there would be no need for expensive barristers to represent the state in these tribunals. No need for expensive con job tribunals. Think about it. I will return to this issue.